Friday, January 28, 2011

Fran Drescher's Voice Comes in Handy

i'm starting this entry as i sit home, on a friday night, on the couch, in my pjs, with dad on the other couch watching wrestling on tv. puppies are playing with their toys, mom is in atlanta for my cousin's wedding, baby broseph is up at school, and sister is at her fiance's house for the weekend, tending to him as he threw his back out shoveling the 14 feet of snow we got the last 48 hours. actually, it was more like 18inches or so, but needless to say, i worked every day this week and went out last night for a "few beers". (un)fortunately, this turned into about a case of beer and a good handful of shots. caught up with a few friends and had some good laughs. even though i was paying the price today, i enjoyed the distraction of Substitute Teacher blowing me off on our first date.

got a text yesterday asking what my plans were for the weekend, so i told him. he asked if i'd want to hang out sunday... INSTEAD of that night as planned. apparently, due to him having to shovel snow for an hour or two and not having to work due to a snow day, he was exhausted. mind you, i shoveled, showered, dropped mom off to make her flight to atlanta, went back home, and was at work by 930. he asked if it would change anything... loaded question. so i answered truthfully, saying that it kinda leaves a bad taste in my mouth for canceling our first date due to an illegit excuse and that if he's doing that now, then what are the odds that this could be a reoccuring theme. i also added that since he was trying to cancel via texts instead of "growing a set" and calling me like a man, that he was laaaaaaaaaaaaame. so then he called me >:) basically we left it like this: he was going to take a nap and get in touch with me when he woke up. well, pssssht. THIS girl ain't waiting for nobody. especially not a dude who tried to cancel cause he was tiiiiiired (read that in a whiny, fran drescher voice). so i came home, got ready and as i was about to walk out the door, he text me asking what i was doing. i told him i just finished getting ready...
ST: "lol no you didn't"
me: "didn't what?"
ST: "youre fuckin with me"
me: "no"
then he called me saying: "i didnt know we were still meeting up. i do wanna meet you. let me go get ready really fast." i told him that i wasn't planning on it, i was going out... without him.

he continued texting me thru the night on and off and then briefly today, asking if i'm going to "keep playing games" until he makes it up to me. let me tell it to ya straight, buddy: i do NOT play games and i have no interest in anyone who does. and THEN... as i'm writing this, he asks if i wanna meet up in an hour or so at the same place we were planning on going last night. i said NO. work a little harder, sweetheart.

no progress/haven't heard from Mr. No-Balls (big surprise there). tried to drop Security Guy but with ST being a douche, i responded to his texts once or twice last night. and then there's Steelers Boy who is still in the running, but i'm still not completely sure he's a good fit for me. we still have plans to hang out next week as long as the snow doesn't mess up his schedule (he works for a town road department where he has to do plowing/sanding in the winter).

so there's the update and i really like how accomplished i feel by getting it all out there, especially when the events are so fresh in my memory. i didn't think i'd get a whole entry's worth of fun in here, but i did. and ya know what, it's my damn blog so... idowhatiwant.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

When it Rains (Men), it Pours (Men)

I find it entertaining that I'm either talking to ZERO boys or trying to balance a juggling act and have to bust out my Excel Spreadsheet to keep them all straight. If one guy and I start talking, then there's three more like him that follow so closely behind.

Each time I contimplate deactivating my online dating profiles, I will get an email from a guy who seems interesting... or interesting enough to entertain me for the time being... or giving me the attention I'm craving at the time. Whichever the case, I went from not talking to a single guy (except for the awkward enounters with the stalkers at the bar, but the two most threatening don't have my number so that barely counts) to now toggling back and forth with a few.

Here's the lowdown:

Steelers Boy: before my ex and i started dating - approximately 5 years ago (*sidebar: we broke up a solid year ago. and fyi... he's not one that I'd care to bring up in this blog... yet), I was on Match. I talked to this guy through emails but never wound up meeting in person. We both started dating our respective ex's and went our separate ways. Well over the summer, he found me online and sent me an email: "Beth, is that you? Do you remember me?" I didn't, and said so, but then he refreshed my memory and so it went. On and off through the summer we talked but still never got together. He then told me he was talking to another girl and wanted to see where it was going. Fine by me: he hadn't blown my skirt up anyways.

Fast forward a month or two, he texts me, we get to chatting, and now I think i might give him a chance to prove that he is a decent guy. He also mentioned yesterday: "I just look at ur pics n I'm like I wanna make out w her lol". That's always nice to hear. But buy me dinner first, buddy, and then we'll talk logistics. *By the way: he made it clear that he is looking for a girl to go out and have fun with, and if it turns into a relationship, that's great. I clarified that if I did the same with him and other guys he wouldn't have a problem with it... This might be a great situation if it works out!* We have tentative plans to go out one night next week.

Substitute Teacher: Saw his profile online a couple weeks ago, thought he was cute, but never sent a message. He sent me one this weekend, we got to talking back and forth via email for about an hour before I gave in and gave him my number. For the first 48 hours, there hasn't been a single lull in our text conversation and he's called me twice. He's funny (sent me a picture of his 6'2" shadow as I had questioned his height the night before), witty (throws movie quotes appropriately into conversation), and quite forward with his flirty messages (no need for an example here). We have plans to get dinner tomorrow night.

Security Guy: Right off the bat, I can tell he's way more into me than I am him. He's a (cute) meatball who lives in Brooklyn, does security at clubs as well as an overnight gig at a foodstore "for the benefits". Already this doesn't seem logical as he doesn't have a car and our schedules are completely opposite. Nothing has been set up yet to meet, but I have a feeling that by him not having a car can make this tricky. Hope he likes taking the train directly into Morristown!

Other than that, I have one other guy I've literally talked to on and off for over seven years. Back when MySpace was cool (and basically an online dating site in itself), we started talking during my years at Rowan. He's a couple years older than me and lives in Red Bank. He has a job, a car, and a fun personality. However, what he doesn't have is a set of balls to give him the guts to come see me. We have this discussion each time we speak. He even comes to Morristown once in a while for work - no excuses! I got this message the beginning of January: "I was in Florham Park last night walking out of our holiday party and I had my phone out to text you to see if you wanted to meet up. But then I pussied out, got in my car, and drove home." He has also mentioned to me a time he was out with friends and a married buddy of his was saying how he regretted not getting with this one girl before he met his wife. Mr. No-Balls then shared with his buddies that there was a girl he used to talk to that always asked him to come visit her at Rowan and he never did - and he still regrets it. I tell him that he still has a chance, but ya never know for how much longer. We got into it Monday, agreeing that whatever happens with him coming to visit me, that we owe it to ourselves to at least get a drink and go from there. We'll see if this happens...

Never know how any of these stories will end, but here's the opening chapters of each. If i had to bet on it, I'd think it wont work out with Steeler Boy, Sub Teacher will be ok for a bit, but then I'll lose interest, Security Guy is too much effort already, and Mr. No-Balls will continue his life without a set of brass ones. Who's gonna bet against me?

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Hold on, cause it's gonna be a bumpy ride

As I sit here and watch tonight's new episode of Jersey Shore 3, I toggle back and forth between a few tabs open in my Safari window: Twitter, Blogger, Facebook... and OkCupid.

For the first time since I started Facebook, I feel that it's taken the backburner to Twitter.  I started tweeting in March 2009 and only within the last couple of weeks have I been actively (read: obsessively) checking it.  I realized that with less actual "friends" than I have on FB, I can just spew out random thoughts, comments, and quotes to those people who CHOOSE to follow me.  I love how kinships are formed, you get "introduced" to other people, and it's a whole world of difference from FB.

And thanks to some newly formed friendships on Twitter, I decided to:
A) start a new online dating profile:
  - don't feel like paying for match any longer
  - the one i'm most active on has been filled with plenty of duds... although some have been interesting experiences... but i digress.
B) start BLOGGING!

So... so far, I've gotten a few emails on the new dating site and I have to keep a running track of this, hence this blog.  For you followers, I encourage you to sit back and enjoy some of the funny, embarrassing, and hopefully entertaining experiences that I'll be sharing with you.  But ya better buckle up, cause this adventure is bound to be a good time.

As I'm no English or writing major, my grammar, punctuation and choice of words might offend some, but (and let me make my first "slip") go suck a nut if it does.  Don't read anything else and beat it buddy.

On a parting note, here are a compilation of the first few emails I received *my comments in bold*:
1. "i like you smile" oh yeah buddy? well I dont like YOU pick-up line.
2. "i like you style" from the same guy... and i repeat above comment.
3. "weird question but....would you be interested in modeling? im a photographer looking to do some amateur stuff.... just wondering :) check out my profile... i promise im legit!" PREDATOR ALERT! sure thing guy, if you pulled up to me in a van offering kittens and coloring books, i'd be sure to jump in there too.
4. "just wanted to say I like your dimples and your curves" although this one was harmless and sweet, his profile picture was of himself with emphasis on his crotch.

and off i go, fist pumping my way into a deep sleep.