Friday, January 28, 2011

Fran Drescher's Voice Comes in Handy

i'm starting this entry as i sit home, on a friday night, on the couch, in my pjs, with dad on the other couch watching wrestling on tv. puppies are playing with their toys, mom is in atlanta for my cousin's wedding, baby broseph is up at school, and sister is at her fiance's house for the weekend, tending to him as he threw his back out shoveling the 14 feet of snow we got the last 48 hours. actually, it was more like 18inches or so, but needless to say, i worked every day this week and went out last night for a "few beers". (un)fortunately, this turned into about a case of beer and a good handful of shots. caught up with a few friends and had some good laughs. even though i was paying the price today, i enjoyed the distraction of Substitute Teacher blowing me off on our first date.

got a text yesterday asking what my plans were for the weekend, so i told him. he asked if i'd want to hang out sunday... INSTEAD of that night as planned. apparently, due to him having to shovel snow for an hour or two and not having to work due to a snow day, he was exhausted. mind you, i shoveled, showered, dropped mom off to make her flight to atlanta, went back home, and was at work by 930. he asked if it would change anything... loaded question. so i answered truthfully, saying that it kinda leaves a bad taste in my mouth for canceling our first date due to an illegit excuse and that if he's doing that now, then what are the odds that this could be a reoccuring theme. i also added that since he was trying to cancel via texts instead of "growing a set" and calling me like a man, that he was laaaaaaaaaaaaame. so then he called me >:) basically we left it like this: he was going to take a nap and get in touch with me when he woke up. well, pssssht. THIS girl ain't waiting for nobody. especially not a dude who tried to cancel cause he was tiiiiiired (read that in a whiny, fran drescher voice). so i came home, got ready and as i was about to walk out the door, he text me asking what i was doing. i told him i just finished getting ready...
ST: "lol no you didn't"
me: "didn't what?"
ST: "youre fuckin with me"
me: "no"
then he called me saying: "i didnt know we were still meeting up. i do wanna meet you. let me go get ready really fast." i told him that i wasn't planning on it, i was going out... without him.

he continued texting me thru the night on and off and then briefly today, asking if i'm going to "keep playing games" until he makes it up to me. let me tell it to ya straight, buddy: i do NOT play games and i have no interest in anyone who does. and THEN... as i'm writing this, he asks if i wanna meet up in an hour or so at the same place we were planning on going last night. i said NO. work a little harder, sweetheart.

no progress/haven't heard from Mr. No-Balls (big surprise there). tried to drop Security Guy but with ST being a douche, i responded to his texts once or twice last night. and then there's Steelers Boy who is still in the running, but i'm still not completely sure he's a good fit for me. we still have plans to hang out next week as long as the snow doesn't mess up his schedule (he works for a town road department where he has to do plowing/sanding in the winter).

so there's the update and i really like how accomplished i feel by getting it all out there, especially when the events are so fresh in my memory. i didn't think i'd get a whole entry's worth of fun in here, but i did. and ya know what, it's my damn blog so... idowhatiwant.

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