Saturday, February 5, 2011

Double Fisting = Drinking Problem?!?

I don't even know where to begin.

Here's the basic jist of the ST drama: I gave in and met him for drinks on Sunday afternoon. He met me in town (after getting a little lost) and we had great conversation, some playful nudges and arm/leg touches while telling stories. After our drinks and shared plate of nachos (I have no shame eating in front of a man, I just won't pig out... yet), we walked into town for a coffee and more conversation in the back of the coffee shop. Topics went from one extreme to the other and none of it was unpleasant. We walked thru the center of town, where he gave me a kiss - it was actually quite romantic - and did some more walking before we got back to my car and drove him to his... Where we may or may not have made out in the car. We even spoke about meeting up again that week depending on the weather.

...However, as the week began (and I knew this would happen), I realized I was bored with him already. I decided after meeting him, I liked his personality better in person than thru texts. At first I found him funny and entertaining to keep up with. But now he comes off as cocky, egotistical, and immature for a 32 year old.

Even so, we kept talking and he asked me to hang out Thursday night and we would meet half way. I told him that would most likely work (if I had REALLY wanted to, I would have committed, without a doubt). But as luck had it, I forgot that I had plans to go with my mom and sister to look for shoes and a veil for her wedding. I thought about meeting and keeping my plans with him, but after getting home later than planned. Knowing that I needed to get stuff done at the house, I was not about to rush around, get ready, and probably be crabbed out just to drive half an hour for a boy I'm not even sure I want to spend time with. He was understanding with it all and we spoke a bit that night.

... Needless to say, we haven't talked much since. He texted me a few times Friday and I responded back, but haven't heard from him again. I can't say that I'm irritated in the slightest, but we'll see what next week brings. Maybe if I'm in a good mood and my schedule allows, I'll give him another shot. But who am I kidding? As I read this back to myself, its obvious I don't want to. :: sigh ::


Security Guy has given up on me - that's really the end of that story. I haven't made an effort and don't want to.
Steelers Boy and I talk here and there, but mostly just flirty fun.

Aaaand.... here's the most shocking: Mr. No-Balls text me today - after not hearing from him in over a week. The first thing he said was that he will be in town on Wednesday for training. The second thing he mentioned was that I told him not to bother being in touch until he had plans to hang out and that was what he was doing - aka to cover his ass for not messaging me sooner. We spoke for a good chunk of the afternoon and even tho we go with a week or so without talking, we easily pick up where we left off. I'm genuinely excited to see him but I just hope he pulls through and we can meet each other face to face after all these years.

Other than that, life is full of eventful online dating emails:
-one said he saw me at the bar on Sunday (when i was out with ST!) - creeeeepyyyyy.
-one guy wished me a nice weekend after we had chatted back and forth briefly... with an attached .jpg of a rose next to a card that said "Be Mine" and then another with a teddy bear holding a heart that said "I Love You". What. The. FUCK?!?
-but this one today tops the cake: (regarding a picture I have of me double fisting two cocktails at a wedding) "one alcoholic beverage in each hand doesnt say cute it says i have a problem,,," - my GBFFL (gay best friend for life) told me I shouldn't even respond, and normally I wouldn't... but I HAD to! What guy, from East Bumblefuck PA, has the rights to message a stranger out of the blue, judging her? (his profile also mentioned God, church, and that he doesn't drink) So my response was: "hahahaha. thanks for the input. here's some unsolicited advice for YOU: cut your hair." ... Haven't heard back from him.

I feel that I'm forgetting so many things, and I probably am, but now you're caught up to speed.

Here's something to keep an eye on: This guy from a local beach town added me to his favorites on POF yesterday. After glancing over his profile (without any pictures), I liked what I read (height was perfect, hair/eye color combo sounds good, job seems secure) and risked what could possibly be online dating suicide by communicating with someone who doesn't have pictures: I emailed him. We've gone back and forth and even exchanged screen names (who really uses AIM anymore?!?) and talked for a while today. I hope hope HOPE that when I finally see a picture of him, I'll still be interested. This is kind of how blind dates started back before internet sites, right? Maybe there's hope... maybe. FYI, we'll call him Surfer Dude.

Now, its time to get my drink on. Happy Super Bowl Sunday, mo-fo's. GO STEELERS!

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