Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Who Said Movies Don't Make Good Dates?

After a nutty weekend of celebrating St. Patrick's Day plus one birthday (two nights in a row), and a wild night in AC with nine other girls, my liver only came out slightly bruised. IT and I had planned to have date #3 Sunday after I had gotten back into town. We text on my ride home, finalizing plans: he would come out to see me around 5pm and we were going to see the movie Hall Pass.

He comes to scoop me up and we head up to the movie theater a couple towns away. I would have taken him to the one in my town, but the one we went to has the arm rests that go up (easier for being cozy), it's cleaner, and better all around quality. On the drive up there he says, "So it's been over a week since I've seen you... I don't like that." That was all I needed to hear. I hadn't thought those exact words, but I was glad that we had these plans. We've seen each other once a weekend since we started talking.

Get to the movies, make out a bit, then head inside. Not sure if he didn't hear me, or was choosing to ignore me, but I had said that if he gets the tickets, I'll get the popcorn and drinks. As we waited on line, we discussed our drink choices and my love for movie theater popcorn. Before we decided to go for separate drinks, I joked that we'd have to share a straw if we only got one, to which he replied, "yeah, gross... I wouldn't want to share germs like that". (After our make out sesh in the car, that was the last thing on our mind.) So I went for Diet Coke while he chose Cherry Coke. When I offered to pay, he was dumbfounded and downright refused to let me pay. Such a gentleman! Walking into the theater, he leaned the popcorn bag over to me so I could snag a piece with my tongue and I mentioned how I loooooove Cherry Coke and so then, each time he took a sip, he leaned the cup over to let me have some.

As we were waiting for the trailers to start, I noted that this was obviously a date night for everyone in our theater: everyone there was paired off with their significant other. Then he says, "Ok, so give me a kiss" and leaned over to plant one on me. :) The movie was decent, and we snuck in a few comments here and there regarding the plot. We cuddled into each other, he draped my leg over his, and enjoyed our first movie together. Afterwards, we had some quality time back in his truck, talking and whatnot before he dropped me off.

Yesterday, we text in the morning and didn't talk again til late at night. He had a wake to go to and doesn't have as much freedom to text during the day as I do, so I figured he'd shoot me a text whenever he could. When he did text me, he said he was surprised he hadn't heard from me, he had had a busy day, and would text me when he was home in about 45 minutes... and then he called me about 15 minutes later :)

Today was normal, he called me after work and we had some laughs about some of the highlights from Sunday's movie date. He said to me, "I don't like popcorn. I only eat it when I'm sharing it with someone I really like. And I NEVER share my cherry coke." Apparently I was a lucky girl! We got off the phone and then I went for a nice long 3mile walk with two of my girlfriends. Got home, unwinded, and I signed onto PoF to read the emails I had received earlier. Not even two minutes after being logged on, the chat notification pops onto my screen... He was on and wanted to let me know it.

me: you GET OFFFF!!!
me: lol
me: you were on when i signed on
me: why don't we both just get rid of it? ;)
IT: If you were ready to get rid of it, you would have
me: i've been ready. but how else can i keep an eye on you?
me: thought you wanted to keep your options open
IT: You're not on here to keep an eye on me... But yea, options have to stay open for now
IT: We'll talk about it next time we are together...
IT: Cause things are definitely moving faster than I would have liked, but I am so into you...
me: yeah, not really a convo i'd have over the computer.
me: and no, i don't keep an eye on you, but i was keeping my options open also.
me: cause thats what you wanted
IT: I know, we'll have the serious convo next time we hang. For now, just tell me how I let you drink half my cherry coke
me: lol
me: ok, dinner's ready.
me: i'll try ya later
IT: bye ma

After dinner, I gave him a call, none of the convo that we just had came up, but it wasn't awkward in the slightest. He even initiated planning the 4th date with, "When can I see you next?". After juggling our schedules the next couple days, tomorrow is the only day that works. We're going to either go bowling, play pool, or shoot some darts. The competitiveness in me is looking forward to it, but I confessed to him that I have no actual skill at any of these adventures, I just happen to get lucky once in a while... but when I suck at something, I get pissed. It should be a good time though. I'm looking forward to our conversation he wants to have in person - and am going to do my best to not over-analyze it or try to guess what he's going to say.

Any words of advice? Suggestions? And most importantly... What should I wear?!? :)

1 comment:

  1. In my experience, having "the talk" this early usually scares the guy but it doesn't seem like it's scaring him at all. Just go in with an open mind, don't expect anything from him and you won't be dissapointed.

    I say wear something black and low-cut :) The low-cut will show the cleavage and the black will make your face/eyes/hair stand out ..... lol I don't think I explained that right.

    Good luck :)
